Systemic Constellations + Resonance Workshops

Empowering emotional intelligence and supporting breakthrough of negative cycles

Wishing you could navigate life with more ease and clarity? Join in! The Systemic Resonance + Constellations Workshops are a refreshingly authentic and inspiring approach to unlock your strengths and build resilience in a profound, genuine, and transformative way.
Check dates & availability >
Why join

Emotions are natural, real, and an integral part of us, our relationships, and everyday life. They are not a black box we need to cope with or pretend doesn’t exist.

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An engaging, insightful, dynamic, and gentle approach that only requires you to be present and attentive to your feelings. A well-tested and safe framework designed to explore and understand underlying dynamics that influence our emotional wellbeing.

Anyone wishing to boost emotional intelligence, resilience and healthy relationships in personal and professional life.

It doesn’t matter if you are new to Systemic Constellations or have previous experience, the workshops welcome people from all walks of life, who share a genuine wish for self-development and personal growth.

If you enjoy Felicia’s dynamic approach and wish to go deeper, check out the Emotional Resilience Programme, which is a brilliant and comprehensive foundation work to kick-start an empowering new chapter of wellbeing and wholesome relationships.

“I’m just sitting with it all. It was illuminating, revealing, and refreshing✨I am feeling lighter and stronger through this process.”

“I really enjoyed it all, and it really helped me to bring to light a lot of my things that I was not even aware of. So thank you for everything you did!”

“Honestly, it was so significant for me, I am struggling to find words”

“I got a lot of clarity on some important aspects and relationships in my life. Thank you for a really grounding & intriguing evening.

“I can feel an internal energy shift, thank you so much for this wonderful, loving gift.”

“Amazing breakthroughs doing workshops. On more than one occasion, I resolved deep shame and trauma. Highly recommended!”

“Thank you! I really loved it. So good to find a way to tackle some deep stuff.  Thanks for holding space to make it feel safe and open.” 

Good to know

Privacy and confidentiality are core values of Felicia’s work, and the workshops are designed to enable participants to be fully engaged without any need to share about personal life experiences.

  • WEDNESDAYS – 6:45pm start
  • THURSDAYS – 10am start

Hammersmith Quacker Meeting House

30-32 Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0DT

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About Systemic Resonance

Systemic Resonance builds on the core principles of Systemic Constellations but shifts the focus to create a shared experiential space. Participants explore their

About Systemic Constellations

Systemic constellations, also known as family constellations, is a therapeutic approach that explores the hidden dynamics within systems such as families, organizations, or

Emotional Resilience Programme

Boost your emotional intelligence, empower resilience and unlock hidden layers of growth and potential. The Emotional Resilience Programme is an immersive experience in

Dedicated Systemic Workshops